I just wanted to send Holiday blessings, to all of you out there! I'm still super new to this blogging thing, but, I must say, it does seem pretty cool, it's like a diary online to share with other bloggers, I don't have any followers, but people can still see my blogs, if they did come across it, some how........i think lol. But bloggins is for the person posting the blogs, diary's are lots of fun, only diaries are more private, but i think that blogging, is a different audience, and atmosphere than, facebook, or twitter..
Speaking of Twitter, I read others tweets all the time, and sometimes I want to write a comment to others, and I don't think they see it anyways, because they have to be following you, and I don't have much followers, I basically have my family, and some other randoms that are probably spam people....who knows...so ya...I've been sorta annoyed with the whole twitter thing, I just basically talk to myself, so that's why If I"m gonna talk to myself, I may as well do it on my blog, because at least here, I can type more than however many characters I want, twitter only lets you type in codes, and another thing about twitter, It's so hard to understand, sometimes, I want to read peoples conversations, and I never know who said what, because some of them have like 2 or 3 or even 4 names on there, and I guess that means, whoever tweeted, is writing to those 4 people, but then it gets confusing, because then I don't even know who wrote it, and I think that's the most important part of a conversation. Anyways,...this blog just got wayyyyyyyyyy off topic! lol. I wanted to blog about the holidays, just to send out a friendly cheer, and I ended up bashing twitter, ah well...that's what blogging is all about.......I think?!
Merry xmas, and Happy new year Bloggers!